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11.15.02 - 2:38 p.m. - edgar dokko and me

there was no food at dokko's house, and none at edgar's either. so both of them came to my house for the hunting and gathering of sandwiches and cheesy potatoes (accompanied by hours of playing Halo).

i don't really know how the rest of this happened, but it did:

we stepped out of my house and chased each other around my neighborhood for a little while. and we stopped by holly's house but she wasn't home. at this point, we all really had to go to the bathroom. ever brilliant, we come up with the idea of going to Pizza Hut to use their bathroom and quickly leave. so we tried that, but the manager happened to see us and told us to shit somewhere else because we were a bunch of freeloaders.

edwin got riled up (as part of his idiom) and argued with the manager for a few minutes. i thought he brought up some interesting points but the manager wasn't really trying to listen, of course. and i hate how swear words can make an argument seem less valid in another person's eyes.

we leave the restaurant (which was a shithole place anyway) and edwin promptly unzips his pants to take a piss on the sidewalk by the door. there was this beautiful moment when the manager turned to see him and his face just looked so damn disgusted.

our cue to run.

we ran to this cemetary that was sort of nearby, hopped the fence and talked for a while in there about the way people are and the way rules are. protocol.

troz - diaryland - zort