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12.29.01 - 1:53 p.m. - false parallels

there's something weird i feel about watching The Buddy Holly Story and then listening to the green album.

i woke up feeling pissed off. those are probably the worst days, because you don't even have a chance to build up to something awful. things don't have to be this way. i really can't figure out if i'm supposed to be passive or active though. but i know i can't wait for things to start looking up.

last summer was so different from now. i was hanging out with different people and i had some band scheme going on. i don't really know what happened to all of that. wait, yes i do, it pretty much went to shit. bah!

i used to write songs and it was real fun. i think that maybe later this winter i'll have the energy to try it again. but i get the feeling that i don't have the will to write lyrics anymore. they don't make me feel too good. hah, i could try to compare myself to rivers writing pinkerton right now but that would be wrong, especially since all i want to do anymore is play guitar. i can't sing anyway. i'd end up like cap'n jazz or something with screaming and whatnot.

besides, i can't make that comparison because i don't want to write the green album ... feh. it wouldn't be so bad, actually, to write something like the green album, because it's still damn good.

troz - diaryland - zort