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10.23.03 - 1:52 p.m. - beyond good and evil: prelude to a philosophy

today i was called a dumbass by some guy who heard me talking on the street. i said "no sir, i am a smartass" and he did not seem to understand the difference.

in order to explain, here is a list of people who are for whatever reasons smartasses or dumbasses:


* eminem
* mahatma ghandi
* bugs bunny
* guy who stood in front of tanks at tiananmen square with his grocery bags
* me
* nietzsche
* george w. bush


* gilligan
* billy from "the grim adventures of billy and maady"
* several of my old high school teachers
* eric from "that 70s show"
* ann coulter
* george w. bush

sorry for the played out bush joke, i couldn't resist.

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