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08.14.02 - 11:41 p.m. - and the promises broke

dear elise,

there comes a time in every boy's life when he stands up (or sits down in front of his computer) and says "i want to be more objective than this."

i have been alive for seventeen years in the most linear of all senses

and i have been in love two times


i think i'm very wrong about that.

the reason i don't want to get over anyone is a reasoning of the heart. i don't want to stop being in love because that would tell me it wasn't real in the first place. or that there were flaws in it. and i'm ashamed to think i could ever fall into a false understanding, the way any schmuck would.

(i am beginning to think that everything is a secret).

my desire of the anti-mediocre is a big fucking ouroboros. but unlike Archibald Scott Couper, i haven't discovered anything new.

anyway, i think that we may not love each other the way we both wish we did, but i know you and you know me, and that's more than a lot of people can say.

we won't be mean to each other, and i'm glad of that.

Occam's Razor.

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