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04.01.06 - 1:06 p.m. - murder movie

lately i've been thinking of making a horror movie about a touring rock band.

one by one, each member of the band is murdered! however, the killer always sprinkles the victim with drugs and everyone just assumes the person died of a drug overdose.

a scream is heard off-camera. cut to JILLIAN in the dressing room doorway, which is dramatically lit and smeared with blood.

JILLIAN: Oh my god, someone severed Davis's head off!

LEV: No, wait, there's a colorful variety of suspicious-looking pills sprinkled on him. (holds Davis's head and speaks ruefully to it) Oh Davis. I thought you had quit that life for good. We were gonna tour Japan together! It was our dream. (turns to JILLIAN) Come on, Jill. Let's go tell our creepy bassist, who has always regarded us with contempt and sometimes even stabs us.

They exit the room, happening to follow a bloody trail of footprints down the narrow hallway.

i thought about this for days, then realized i'm just ripping off a dave chappelle thing about cops sprinkling crack on black people.

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