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09.09.01 - 7:47 p.m. - weekend update

school's going better than i thought. well, sort of.

i see todd in the hallway with other people, and they try to pull shit on me. it's kinda dumb, cuz dimitri'll mostly ignore me unless todd's around.

at least (not that she's only worthy of a "least") there's amy, who has english with me. christ, she makes me so happy. who knew that just one person could do so much.

i eat lunch with these kids i sort of know through gym class. they're kind of dorks in the "non-cool dorks" way but i'm digging that. especially kevin, this short kid who won't look really anyone in the eye, but he's smart and all that.

i'm gonna go call amy now, just because i can.

troz - diaryland - zort