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07.09.02 - 10:01 p.m. - seventeen magazine has an article on emo now.

i figure the only thing wrong with the powerpuff girls movie is that the pacing sucked and made the jokes suffer. the switch from tv to movie must have been a tough one.

and i did try flan tonight (it was verily good).

my stepdad has been teaching me how to drive. mom tried but she was way too nervous about it.

i really like driving. in fact i'm going to use the money i am saving from the groceryboy job to buy a rickety car (just. like. spiderman. oh yeah.)

and if people really walked like egyptians, they might piss off the real egyptians. we'd be stealing their identities. that's wrong. so fucking wrong.

things are going well with elise. it's nice. but we both know i'm gone in a month, so we're trying not to get too attached. it's difficult. i keep staring at her every time i see her squint at somethin in the distance because she needs glasses. it's so fucking cute. and she makes really good sandwiches.

the point is, i'm doing something really emotionally reckless and i don't care.

troz - diaryland - zort