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12.22.01 - 3:19 p.m. - light breathing

i really don't like it that jane and amy don't get along, since both of them are close to me. at least i'm back with amy now (pssst, amy, i love you).

maybe jane and her can make soup for me together and bond all friendlylike because i am sick. i took a shower just now and i feel a little better than i did before. yes ... showers are key to well-being and enlightenment.

christmas is coming and i am not very religious but i do believe in something, i think. i am gonna be at home with my mom and lauren and that's alright i suppose. i remember how when i was younger, my dad would get us one of those real trees. it sort of made me sad to see it die. you know, like that hans christian anderson story about the tree that loves being a christmas tree until it dies alone.

my dad .... well, see, he died of lung cancer when i was 6. and my mom got married to this guy steve when i was 8 and they had lauren together but then they divorced a few years ago and christmas is generally not cool these days.

but that's just how it is, i guess. i sort of feel like taking another shower now.

troz - diaryland - zort