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07.29.01 - 8:59 p.m. - girl, you are divine

i might as well just start writing now about the girl i like, because there's always the girl, doncha know.

she's this really cute girl who lives across the alley from me that i met in P.E. and art class -- two classes you don't actually "work" in so i got to talk to her a lot and i found out she's incredibly awesome. she's really smart and funny and is really nice to people except maybe for when there's lots of other people around. that's when she gets sorta quiet.

i dunno, maybe it's because of her family life which i hear is sorta fucked up. not like it's obvious or anything like she wants to shove it into people's faces or anything. but she's got this sullen look in her face sometimes and it makes me want to hold her and tell her things'll be okay. i know that sounds like a big dumb cliche but that's just how it is sometimes.

and i think it's cool that we don't listen to the same kind of music but we can still talk about lots of stuff. heh we'd make a funny looking couple: she's i guess what you'd call a candykid raver complete with bracelets and adidas visor whereas you can box me in as "emocore" or whatevre name you want to give it. and i think we'd be awesome together but that's just me ..

todd said he'd pick me up so we could go to white castle and maybe watch Planet of the Apes so i better go now. heh i want one of those glow in the dark cups. maybe i can give it to the girl and she can "rave" with it ...

never mind.

troz - diaryland - zort