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09.01.01 - 2:35 a.m. - rock all night and party every other day

i spent the early afternoon with my mother, watching soap operas.

that whole Passions thing, i don't get it. not only does the talking doll (not more dolls ..) with the witch and the ax-wielding lady make no sense, but it takes about 2 weeks worth of episodes before an hour can pass in that world.

it's worse than Veronica's Closet or something.

christ, i spent the whole day watching television. i guess it wasn't so bad, because ... shit. it was bad. school starts soon. why aren't i running around like mad? oh yeah, you need friends for that.

or maybe not.

i'll be out tomorrow. by myself. who knows, maybe something good will come out of it.

troz - diaryland - zort